Shop – Pran Urja Healing Society Pran Urja Healing Society Tue, 30 Apr 2024 14:06:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Shop – Pran Urja Healing Society 32 32 Webinar – Yes to Life, No to Suicide: Harnessing the Timeless Wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita Wed, 06 Sep 2023 08:24:13 +0000 Hosted by: Prana Urja Healing Society 🎓 Instructor: Sri Guru Baba Vyas: Life Coach, Success Mentor, and Wisdom Cultivator since 1989 📅 When: 24th September 2023 ⏰ Time: 11:30 AM (IST) 📜 Agenda: Dive deep into a transformative 45-minute webinar, and find peace with a 15-minute "Vidhya Mitra Meditation" session to wrap up. 🌍 Venue: Virtual, hosted on Zoom 🔗 How to Attend: Register today! An exclusive Zoom link will be provided to your email 48 hours before the event.]]> About the Webinar:

Tapping into the ancient yet timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita, this webinar is a beacon of hope for those navigating life’s daunting challenges, particularly students under the immense pressures of today’s competitive world. Sri Guru Baba Vyas bridges the age-old teachings with modern-day pressures to offer solace and guidance.

Who Should Attend?

  1. Students preparing for IITs, medical colleges, or other competitive exams.
  2. Concerned parents.
  3. If you or your child is feeling the weight of expectations and the stress of competition, especially in high-pressure environments.

Why to Attend?

  • Holistic Approach: Blend the age-old wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita with modern-day challenges for a well-rounded perspective.
  • Strategic Insights: Learn the key differentiators between effective planning and execution, essential for academic success.
  • Mental Resilience: Equip yourself with tools and techniques to handle academic and personal pressures with grace.
  • Empowerment: Cultivate a mindset of self-belief, confidence, and purpose, vital in today’s competitive landscape.
  • Guidance from the Best: Benefit from the wisdom of Sri Guru Baba Vyas, a renowned Life Coach & Success Mentor with decades of experience.
  • Life Beyond Academics: While the focus is on academic success, the lessons extend to fostering a positive and robust approach to life’s myriad challenges.

How It Works:

  1. Purchase & Register: Add this webinar to your cart and proceed to checkout.
  2. Confirmation Email: Once purchased, you’ll receive a confirmation email with preliminary details.
  3. Access: A Zoom link will be dispatched to your registered email 48 hours prior to the webinar.

FAQs for Webinar – Say Yes to Life, No to Suicide

1. What is the primary focus of the webinar?
The webinar aims to blend the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita with practical strategies to help students navigate modern academic pressures and challenges.

2. Who is Sri Guru Baba Vyas?
Sri Guru Baba Vyas is a renowned Life Coach & Success Mentor, with a rich experience of cultivating wisdom since 1989. He specializes in bridging ancient teachings with contemporary challenges.

3. How long is the webinar?
The webinar will last for 60 minutes – a 45-minute session followed by a 15-minute “Vidhya Mitra Meditation” experience.

4. How do I attend the webinar?
Once registered, you’ll receive a personalized Zoom link via email 48 hours before the event starts. Simply click the link at the scheduled time to join.

5. Is this only for students preparing for competitive exams?
While the webinar is tailored for such students, the lessons imparted are universal and can benefit anyone seeking guidance in handling pressures and challenges.

6. What is the “Vidhya Mitra Meditation”?
It’s a 15-minute guided meditation session led by Sri Guru Baba Vyas, designed to calm the mind and enhance focus, especially beneficial for students.

7. Can parents attend the webinar?
Absolutely! Parents can gain valuable insights on supporting their children through their academic journeys and life challenges.

8. How can I get my queries addressed during the webinar?
There will be a Q&A segment. You can submit your questions during the webinar, and Sri Guru Baba Vyas will address selected ones.

9. What if I miss the live webinar?
Registered attendees will have access to a recording for a limited time after the event, ensuring no one misses out on the valuable insights.

10. How can I reach out for further guidance post-webinar?
You can visit for more resources and ways to connect directly with Sri Guru Baba Vyas and the Prana Urja Healing Society team.

For additional inquiries or personalized assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team at [email protected]

Join Daily Distance Healing Programme from Jodhpur Healing Station Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:28:14 +0000 The Distance Healing Programme by Pran Urja Healing Society is a testament to the timeless spiritual practices that transcend physical boundaries. Under the Sankalpa of Sri Guru Baba Vyas, this programme has been a source of solace, healing, and spiritual upliftment for countless souls since 1989.

By contributing your Dakshina, you not only partake in these profound healing sessions but also express your devotion and gratitude. Your contribution is a reflection of your heart’s calling, and in recognition of this, you are given the freedom to determine the amount of your Dakshina.

Joining this programme elevates your membership status. From a free member, you ascend to the esteemed rank of a Patron Member of the Pran Urja Healing Society.

As a Patron Member, you unlock a treasure trove of benefits:

  • Access to an exclusive repository of Vedic content.
  • Dive deep into Guruji’s Vedic astrology lessons.
  • Immerse in spiritual discourses that nourish the soul.
  • Engage with a community of like-minded seekers, sharing experiences and insights.

This isn’t just a programme; it’s a spiritual journey. A journey of healing, growth, and deepening connection with the divine.


  1. What is the Distance Healing Programme?
    It’s a spiritual healing initiative by the Pran Urja Healing Society, guided by the Sankalpa of Sri Guru Baba Vyas, benefiting thousands since 1989.
  2. How do I determine the amount of my Dakshina?
    The amount is a reflection of your devotion. You are free to contribute any amount that resonates with your heart.
  3. What benefits do I receive as a Patron Member?
    Patron Members gain exclusive access to Vedic content, Guruji’s astrology lessons, spiritual discourses, and a vibrant community of seekers.
  4. How are the distance healing sessions conducted?
    These sessions harness spiritual energies that transcend physical boundaries, offering healing and guidance to participants, regardless of their location.
  5. How often are the healing sessions held?
    The sessions are a continuous spiritual endeavor, with specific schedules and timings communicated to members.
  6. Can I upgrade to Patron Member without joining the healing programme?
    Joining the Distance Healing Programme is a pathway to becoming a Patron Member, recognizing your devotion and contribution.
  7. How do I access the exclusive Vedic content?
    As a Patron Member, you’ll receive login credentials to access the exclusive content section on our website.
  8. Is there a community or group for Patron Members?
    Yes, Patron Members are part of a dedicated community platform where they can share, discuss, and deepen their understanding with fellow seekers.
  9. Can I gift a membership to someone?
    Absolutely. Gifting a membership is a thoughtful way to introduce loved ones to the profound teachings and healing of the Pran Urja Healing Society.
  10. What if I have questions or need guidance during the programme?
    Our dedicated team, under the guidance of Sri Guru Baba Vyas, is here to assist. Reach out to us via email at [email protected] for any insights or clarifications.
  11. How do I stay updated about upcoming sessions or content?
    As a Patron Member, you’ll receive regular updates and notifications about upcoming sessions, new content additions, and other society events.
  12. Is there a minimum contribution amount for the Dakshina?
    There’s no minimum. Your Dakshina is a reflection of your devotion, and any amount is accepted with gratitude.
My Birth Star: Live Counselling Session with Sri Guru Baba Vyas Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:08:35 +0000 Every soul is guided by the celestial imprints from the moment of birth. “My Birth Star” service offers an opportunity to delve deep into these imprints, drawing from the revered Vedic tradition of Varsha Phala. This service casts a spotlight on the various aspects of your life, from health and relationships to spiritualism, career, and finance.

Experience the “My Mother Meditation”, a rare Vedic practice under the guidance of Sri Guru Baba Vyas. This transformative meditation, linked to naval consciousness, promises profound renewal and clarity. It’s not just a meditation; it’s a journey inward, nurturing your soul and setting you on a path of deeper understanding.

Your personalized session includes:

  • Chart Reading (30 mins): A deep dive into your celestial blueprint.
  • Year-long Remedies & Practices (30 mins): A curated spiritual regimen tailored for you.
  • My Mother Meditation (30 mins): A transformative meditation guiding you towards inner peace.


  1. What is Varsha Phala?
    Varsha Phala translates the cosmic dialogue of your birth chart into a guide for the forthcoming 12 months, spotlighting various aspects of your life.
  2. Why is Varsha Phala significant?
    It aligns you with your birth’s celestial energies, offering insights to navigate the year with purpose and direction.
  3. How is “My Mother Meditation” different?
    This meditation is a secret Deeksha linked to naval consciousness, guiding you towards inner peace and self-renewal.
  4. How do I prepare for the meditation?
    Ensure a tranquil space free from disturbances and approach with an open heart.
  5. When should I book my session?
    Ideally, book a week before your birth date to align with your Solar Return or give us an email or send a whatsapp message.
  6. What will I receive post-session?
    A detailed Varsha Phala Report and guidelines for suggested remedies and practices.
  7. Is this session suitable for everyone?
    Yes, whether you’re new to Vedic practices or a seasoned seeker, the session offers universal benefits.
  8. How is the session delivered?
    The session is live, allowing for an interactive experience with Sri Guru Baba Vyas.
  9. Can I revisit the session later?
    While the session is live, the insights and guidance provided will serve as a beacon throughout the year.
  10. What if I have questions after the session?
    Our dedicated team is here to assist. Reach out to us via email at [email protected] for any insights or clarifications.
  11. Why is the session priced at Rs 11,000?
    The session offers a comprehensive blend of astrological insights, personalized remedies, and transformative meditation, making it a valuable investment in self-growth.
  12. How long has Sri Guru Baba Vyas been offering this service?
    Sri Guru Baba Vyas has been guiding souls through this service for decades, drawing from deep spiritual wisdom.
  13. What makes this service unique?
    The blend of Vedic astrology, personalized remedies, and profound meditation sets this service apart, offering a holistic spiritual experience.
  14. Can I gift this session to someone?
    Absolutely. “My Birth Star” makes a thoughtful gift, guiding loved ones on their spiritual journey.
  15. How do I schedule my session?
    Once you’ve made the investment, our team will reach out to schedule a session at a time that’s convenient for you.
Purpose: Change Your Destiny Programme – Full Access (5 Sessions) Thu, 31 Aug 2023 10:59:24 +0000 The Sankalpa: Change Your Destiny Programme is a spiritual voyage, guiding souls through the timeless teachings of the Bhagwad Geeta, the transformative practices of yogic science, and the celestial insights of astrology. Crafted with love and wisdom by Sri Guru Baba Vyas, each of the five sessions is a step towards self-realization and alignment with the universe’s divine rhythm.

By choosing full access, you will:

  • Engage deeply with each session, forming a holistic understanding of the spiritual principles that have illuminated countless lives.
  • Experience the interconnectedness of karma, destiny, and free will, and learn to navigate life’s challenges with grace and wisdom.
  • Benefit from the practical guidance and remedies offered, harmonizing your actions with the cosmic dance of the universe.

This isn’t merely an educational programme; it’s a transformative experience. An invitation to journey inward, discover your true essence, and align with your highest purpose.


  1. What does full access entail?
    Full access grants you entry to all five sessions of the Sankalpa Programme, allowing a comprehensive understanding and deeper immersion into the teachings.
  2. How are the sessions delivered?
    These are pre-recorded online sessions. Upon purchase, you’ll receive links to access all five sessions, allowing you to engage with the teachings at your own pace.
  3. Is there a benefit to choosing full access over individual sessions?
    Yes, by choosing full access, you receive a discount of Rs 1500, making it a more economical choice for those committed to the complete journey.
  4. What if I wish to revisit a session later?
    With full access, you have the freedom to revisit any session whenever you feel the need, allowing the teachings to resonate and guide you repeatedly.
  5. How do I seek clarity if I have questions during the programme?
    Our dedicated team, under the guidance of Sri Guru Baba Vyas, is here to assist. Reach out to us via email at [email protected] for any insights or clarifications.
  6. Is this programme suitable for someone new to spiritual teachings?
    Absolutely. The Sankalpa Programme is designed to be a guiding light for both those new to spirituality and those who have walked the path for some time.
  7. How is the discount applied?
    By choosing to pay upfront for full access, you invest Rs 6000 instead of Rs 7500 (if sessions were purchased individually), resulting in a savings of Rs 1500.
  8. Can I share the sessions with a friend or family member?
    The sessions are intended for individual use to ensure a personal and transformative experience. Sharing is not recommended as the remedies, instructions and healing shall be done based on your birth details (date of birth, time of birth, place of birth and gender).
  9. What is the duration of each session?
    Each session is meticulously crafted to offer profound insights and is approximately 1.5 hours in length.
  10. Is there a specific order to follow for the sessions?
    Yes, the sessions are designed in a sequence for optimal understanding and spiritual growth. It’s recommended to follow the order provided.
  11. What if I face technical issues accessing the sessions?
    Our support team is available to assist with any technical difficulties. Simply reach out via email or the contact form on the website.
  12. Can I gift the full access to someone?
    Certainly. The Sankalpa Programme makes a thoughtful and transformative gift for loved ones on their spiritual journey. Make sure you enter your birth details correctly.
  13. How do I access the content after purchase?
    Post-purchase, you’ll receive an email with access links to all five sessions, along with guidelines on how to make the most of the programme.
  14. Is there a community or group where participants can discuss and share their experiences?
    Yes, participants are encouraged to join our dedicated community platform where they can share, discuss, and deepen their understanding with fellow seekers.
Purpose: Change Your Destiny Programme – Single Session Thu, 31 Aug 2023 10:38:28 +0000 The Sankalpa: Change Your Destiny Programme is a beacon of light for those seeking guidance and clarity in their life’s journey. Each session is meticulously crafted by Sri Guru Baba Vyas, encapsulating the essence of the Bhagwad Geeta, the depth of yogic science, and the precision of astrology.

By attending this single session, you will:

  • Gain insights into the spiritual teachings that have transformed thousands of lives over the past 30 years.
  • Understand the interplay of karma, destiny, and free will in shaping your life.
  • Receive practical guidance to harmonize your actions with the universe’s rhythm.

This session is not just a lesson; it’s an experience. An experience of connecting with your inner self, understanding your life’s purpose, and taking a step towards a destiny that resonates with your highest self.


  1. What will I gain from this single session?
    This session offers a glimpse into the vast spiritual wisdom of the Bhagwad Geeta, yogic science, and astrology. It’s an opportunity to understand the foundational principles that guide the Sankalpa programme.
  2. How is this session delivered?
    This is a pre-recorded online session. After purchase, you’ll receive a link to access and immerse yourself in the teachings at your own pace.
  3. Can I upgrade to the full programme later?
    Absolutely. If you feel drawn to delve deeper after this session, you can seamlessly transition to the full 5-day programme.
  4. What if I have questions after the session?
    We encourage a spirit of inquiry. You can reach out to our dedicated team via email at [email protected] for any clarifications.
  5. Is there any prerequisite knowledge required?
    No. This session is designed to be accessible to both beginners and those with a foundational understanding of spiritual teachings.